
Forklift truck course T1-T5

Forklift truck course T1-T5


26. august


– 21:00


26. august




Titangata 13. 1630 Gamle Fredrikstad

Having a forklift operator course and certification is mandatory for everyone who operates a forklift, including temporary workers, maintenance staff, and supervisors.

The course is structured into four modules, consisting of two theoretical modules and two practical modules.

The theory consists of classroom instruction with lectures from the instructor and exercises involving various problems that can arise when using a forklift.

The theory part concludes with a written test.

The training aims to provide solid theoretical groundwork for safe and practical use of forklifts.

It then requires specific training on each forklift class. During the course we provide practical training for the most commonly used classes T1, T2, T3 and T4

You will learn about:

  • Laws and regulations for forklifts
  • The main types of forklifts and their applications
  • Principles of forklift construction
  • Safe use of forklifts
  • Inspection and maintenance
  • Use of load charts
  • Accidents and incidents that can occur while operating a forklift

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